Softeners strictly soften the water and are not filtration systems. The softening process (ion exchange) substitutes naturally found calcium and magnesium minerals for sodium or potassium chloride. Ordinarily we advise against the use of softeners but there are times where the system is needed.
In this case, our EWS pH Decreasing System is a specialty softener with a different resin specifically developed and used in order to adjust high pH and alkalinity in the water to a more neutral range.
Not sure what is right for you? Call or email EWS Customer Service for assistance.
At A Glance
- Any home with a 3/4" to 1-1/2" water main service line.
- Up to 25 gallons per minute (gpm) flow rate.
- For use on water with high pH of 8.8 or above
- Upflow brining regeneration and metered softened water saves money on wasted water and salt usage while reducing the harmful effects of the brine discharge.
- City water or more likely well water*.
Features & Benefits
- World-class EWS quality and performance.
- Prevents damage in the home due to the corrosivity of high pH.
- Comes completely assembled for quick and easy installation.
- Meets or exceeds all compliances.
- Made in the USA.
*WELL WATER WARNING Well water is required to have independent, complete and proper testing of your well water to determine the proper course of action in order to specify the correct system(s).